Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Words And Works Of Jesus Christ Theology Religion Essay
The Words And Works Of Jesus Christ Theology Religion Essay The name Jesus (IÃâââ¬Å"sous) is the Greek form for the Hebrew Yeshua (Yahweh saves). Jesus is the realisation/fulfilment of the prophecies of Gods Messiah for his people. While on earth He spoke as no-one ever spoke and has done deeds no-one has done (John 3:2). In this assignment a broad chronological overview is presented of the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ with some focus on his words and works. A chronological overview of His ministry of three years is undertaken with special attention to the first six months, the last six months and the last week. BEFORE THE FIRST YEAR The Gospel writers account of Jesus infant/childhood years vary. The Synoptic Gospels (Matt-Luke) contain some data (although Mark does not have anything on Jesus childhood) but the Gospel of John speaks only about the Logos who became a man (John 1:14). The conception of Christ was kept secret by Mary who à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦kept all thingsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦in her heart (Luke 2:19). In the Synoptic Gospels Matthew gives particulars about Jesus birth and his earliest childhood (Matt. 2) but Luke also has some information about Jesus twelfth year (Luke 2:41-52). Jesuss infancy is narrated in four incidents in Luke 2:8-40 and Matthew 2:1-23. (Anon., n.d.). Luke wrote about two events where an angel declared the birth of Jesus to the shepherds (Luke 2:8-14) and then the shepherds visit to Bethlehem (2:15-20). In the second event, the presentation of Jesus in Jerusalem (Luke 2:21-39) following the circumcision and the purification of his mother (2:22). Simeon had a revelation about Jesus, that he would see the Christ before his death (Luke 2:26), and by proclaiming it, the prophetess Anna overheard it and she praised God 2:38). Luke takes trouble to confirm that Joseph and Mary did everything required by the Law (circumcision, purification). Matthew recorded the visit of the Magi (wise men) (Matt. 2:1-12) who believed that the Deliverer was born. This is a dramatic narrative wherein Herods falsity and cruelty come to the fore (Matt. 2:7-18). It ends with the familys flight to Egypt to escape Herods command that in that region all boys up to the age of 2 must be killed. Luke recorded one incident from Jesuss childhood (Luke 2:40-52) in which His spiritual development is clear. During their visit to Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-50) for the Passover Jesus proved his proficiency in the Law. At age twelve He would have been bar-mitzvah and was responsible before the law for himself (Pentecost, 1984:76). At this occasion Jesus actively participated in the temple, listening and asking questions, which was customary for all Jews (Tenney, 1975) Before Jesus ministry started, several significant events took place: the preaching of John the Baptist (Matt. 3:1-12; Mark 1:1-8; Luke 3:1-17), the Baptism of Jesus (Matt. 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21, 22) which was the ultimate purpose of Johns work. The most important event in Christs preparation period that revealed His true character was the temptation (Matt. 4:1-11; Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 4:1-13). That concluded Christs life before the commencement of the first year of His earthly ministry (Tenney, 1975). THE FIRST YEAR The start of Jesus Judean ministry was recorded by John (John 1:35-4:42) although there is some historical uncertainty concerning this period (bron). Jesus and John entered Jerusalem for the Passover, marking the beginning of the first year of Jesuss ministry. During this visit, Jesus made contact with disciples to be. In Johns Gospel a selection (John 20:30-31) of Jesus signs (sÃâââ¬Å"meia) are told. The first of these that revealed His glory was at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-12). Through this sign Jesus began to move the disciples to put their faith in Him (John 1:11). Two significant other things Jesus did was the cleansing of the temple (John 2:13f), establishing the righteousness that belongs to the Lord and the conversation He had with Nicodemus (John 3). This very important discussion went over the kingdom of heaven (John 3:3, 5) and Gods standard for eternal life. John also recorded Jesus performing other miracles and signs (John 2:23-25) that revealed Him as the Messiah. Since Jesus started His public ministry, John the Baptists ministry waned and his followers began to follow Jesus. After Jesus baptism, He separated Himself from John, engaging in a countermovement. Johns intention was not to draw men to him, but to be a servant of God. Leaving Judea for Galilee, Jesus had to go through Samaria (John 4:4), and at Sichar he had a watershed conversation with a Samaritan woman, during which he presented Himself as the gift of God (John 4:10) ending in ministering to the Samaritans for two days (4:30f). Christ revealed Himself as the gift to the Jew and the gentile. Also during this conversation, Christs insight into mans nature was revealed, setting the pattern for personal evangelism. Christs first year of ministering ended with His withdrawal from Judea (Matt. 4:12; Mark 1:14; Luke 3:19-20; 4:14; John 4:1-4). The reason why Christ withdrew from Judea was to start His widespread ministry in Galilee. He was fully aware of the rising conflict the Pharisees wanted between His own and Johns disciples and to bring disunity amongst them. Another reason why Christ went to Galilee was the imprisonment of John by Herod. Luke recorded a third reason for Christ to leave Judea he was under the guidance of the Spirit of God (Luke 4:14). Since it was not Jesus time to die, He moved His ministry from Judea to Galilee. THE SECOND YEAR John recorded this period (John 4:43-54) as the second time of Jesus performing signs in Galilee. Knowing the miracle works Jesus did à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦the Galileans welcomed Him (John 4:45), hoping to see and hear a repeat of the same signs. Yet, Jesus knew the rejection of Himself and His message lurking in them by telling them that a prophet has no honour in his own country (John 4:44). The Galileans believed in His name, but not in Himself. Christ then started a new way of ministering in Galilee by proclaiming a word of God, validating the message by accompanying numerous miracles and signs. About these signs Tenney fittingly wrote [t]he healing of the officials son at Capernaum serves as a fitting prelude for the whole Galilean ministry (Tenney, 1975). After Jesus pronounced Himself as the Messiah who came to fulfil Scripture (Isaiah 6:1-2a) He was rejected by the Nazarenes (Matt. 13;54-58; Mark 6;1-6a). Jesus then moved to Capernaum, starting His main message Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is near (Matt. 4:17). The first four disciples Peter and Andrew, James and John were called (Matt. 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11). Their mission was to be fishers of men. Jesus conducted the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7), teaching the people of ethics in a manner that even a child could understand it. Matthew summarised Jesuss words (teachings) and works (miracles) (Smith, 2012). During this period Jesus did many works of healing and feeding that Matthew grouped together (Matt. 8:1-9:8). Most of these healings were also recorded in Mark and Luke, but in different order (owing to each writers context). These miracles had two main effects, to draw crowds of people after Him and ensuing conflict between Himself and the Pharisees. Jesus criticised them of hypocrisy (Matt. 23) and they viewed him as a law breaker. There were many Sabbath controversies mainly due to Jesus healing on that day. Healing marks an important aspect of Jesuss ministry. All four gospels recorded Jesuss choosing the twelve disciples. They were people from all walks of life with specific instructions, not only for themselves but also for the Church of Christ. Christ was preparing them His crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus was based for 2à ½ years in Capernaum, conducting the ministry Himself and later by His disciples. Jesus used the Kingdom parables to explain His ministry, but also protecting it and introducing something new (Heb. 8:13). In the miracle of feeding the 5,000 the beginning of Christs third year of ministry ensued. THE THIRD YEAR The First Six Months Christ withdrew from Galilee arriving at Caesarea Philippi, where He asked them (the twelve) à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦who do people say the Son of Man is? (Matt. 16:13). Although the recording of these words differ slightly, the effect thereof was the turning point in the Gospel of Christ (Smith, 2012). Simon Peter grasping the identity of Christ replied You are the Christ, The Son of the Living God (Matt 16:16). Christ was finally revealed and accepted by the twelve as the Son of God. Jesus revealed to the Apostles His mission (Matt. 16:21). Going to Jerusalem (appointed place of sacrifice) to suffer much from the elders, chief priests and teachers of law, eventually to die (Matt 1:21; Mark 10:45). But, He conquered death (John 11:25) and both person and work rose on the third day (Pentecost, 1984). Christ established instructions concerning discipleship, the cost thereof and demands to become a true disciple (Luke 9:23) (Pentecost, 1984). After Jesus separated Peter, James and John (Mark 9:2) coming down the mountain after a glorious experience of Gods glory, Jesus commanded them to tell no-one until Christs rising from the dead (Mark 9:9). The reason for this being entrusting the ministry to man and the fact that the people were already rejecting Him (Pentecost, 1984). No miracles and signs were performed and Christ was teaching them about Faith (Matt 17:20) and the fact that prayer is essentially an attitude of utter dependence on God (Pentecost, 1984). Nazareth was characterized by unbelief (John 7:5) and Jesus knew the plot of the Jews, His approaching death as the Feast of Tabernacles had arrived. Not only did Jesus foretell His death but revealed Gods plan. He remained and sent the twelve alone to the Feast of Tabernacles. The people hated Christ for exposing their sins (7:7), His condemnation of Pharisaism, rejecting His judgment of their unrighteousness and their denial of God (Pentecost, 1984). The Feast of Tabernacles marked an important turning point in the life and ministry of Jesus. Jesus turned to Jerusalem, facing His opposition that would culminate in His death and resurrection. Christ was rejected by the Samaritans and went to another village, not allowing to be defiled by circumstances, obeying Gods will, plan and timetable (Luke 9:53) (Pentecost, 1984). During this period, Christ taught the disciples about life in the Church, their role and in Matthew 18 establishing relationships in the Kingdom of God (Smith, 2012). The Last Six Months Jesus started His ministry in Jerusalem, evangelizing Judea and surrounding areas (Luke 10:1-13; 21) between the Feast of Tabernacles (Luke 9:51-61; John 7:1-10) and the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22-42) (Smith, 2012). When Jesuss life was endangered when the crowd wanted to stone Him, Jesus withdrew to Bethany beyond the Jordan, starting to teach in Perea until He was called to the home of Mary and Martha where He raised Lazarus from the dead (Pentecost, 1984). Due to the indication by the leaders of Israel to reject Jesus, Christ appointed seventy-two (Luke 10:1) as His representatives to deliver the message throughout Judea. Although His works and Words openly declared Him as the Christ, the Jews still tried to seize Him at the Feast of Dedication for not admitting and Jesus had to withdraw again (John 10:22-42) (Smith, 2012), continuing His Judean ministry. The second part of the Perean ministry stretches from the Feast of Dedication in December 32 A.D. to the last journey to Jerusalem in the spring of 33. Jesus was pressing towards the excruciating purpose for which He came to earth, and on the way His teachings was done on Discipleship (Luke 14), evangelism (Luke 15), stewardship (Luke 16) and servant hood (Luke 17) (Smith, 2012). Christ again demonstrated His status as the Son of God, the manner in which he handled the raising of Lazarus (John 11:4), not revealing this miracle publicly as with the sign of Jonah (Matt. 12:38-40). Jesus finally approached Jerusalem; still ministering on the way, with teachings on divorce (Matt. 19:1-12; Mark 10:1-12), children (Matt. 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17), conversion (Matt. 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30) and leadership (Matt. 20:20-28; Mark 10:35-45). During this six months Jesus continued to His final destiny, Jerusalem. He knew His end would be crucifixion, but he went on teaching, revealing Him as the Son of God and equipping His disciples for ministry and after His departure to continue. Jesus taught them much regarding moral, ethical and spiritual topics. To establish His Kingdom was His final call and purpose. He then finally returned, knowing that the Jews wanted to kill him, also revealing this fact to His disciples, but they did not understand. The last week of Jesuss life concludes the last six months starting at the Feast of Passover in Jerusalem. The Last Week Finally the time came that Jesus was preparing His disciples for to witness the slaying of the lamb at the Passover (John 11:55). These events began on the Sunday morning when Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. Through the triumphal entry Christ, fulfilling scripture (Zech. 9:9; Is. 62:11), was met with a mixed response. Some people saw Him as the King, who came to deliver them from the Roman oppression (Smith, 2012), and realizing Christs intention, turned against Him. Conflict arose and Christ had to leave, spending the night in Bethany. The Monday, on returning to Jerusalem, Christ cursed the fig tree (Mark 11:14), thereby revealing His authority. He proceeds on His journey and at the temple, finding the people trading there, He again cleansed the temple. He established Himself as the guardian of His Fathers House (John 12:20-50) (Pentecost, 1984). Tuesday was a day of controversy and various people tried to entrap Him, to silence and finally kill Him. During this time Christ gave His disciples His most comprehensive end-time teaching, the Olivet Discourse (Smith, 2012). The Wednesday was spent with His disciples (no recording in scripture) and the Thursday the Last Supper was held. At this event Jesus enacted what he said in Mark 10:45 that the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve when he washes His disciples feet (John 13:1). He revealed the betrayal (John 13:18) and encouraged the disciples with the farewell discourse (John 14-16). After the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane He was handed over for crucifixion. There were several stages up to the cross: an examining at the High Priest Annas house (John 18:12-14; 19-24) where Peter denied Christ three times before cockcrow (John 18:12). Before the Sanhedrin (Matt. 26:57) charges of a threatened destruction of the temple linked with blasphemy were brought in (Tenney, 1975). He was then brought before Pilates but he, finding no guilt in Him, handed Him back to Herod. Again Jesus was sent to Pilate who had him scourged and crucified. A dispute developed between the Jews and Pilate regarding the notice on the cross. The gospels record Jesus time on the cross, crowned with His last words it is finished (John 19:30). These terrible occurrences were overturned in the resurrection on the third day. Evidence about Jesus statement in John 11:25 (that He is the resurrection and life) was given on occasions where over 500 saw Him. Therefore, the Great Commission as recorded in Matthew 28 has its basis in Christ, His command and promise (Smith, 2012). CONCLUSION Christ came and offered Himself as Saviour, but His own did not acknowledge His revelation of the Father and King therefore rejected Him to be crucified. Jesus came to give us new life-everlasting life, revealing the nature of God the Father and God the Spirit and who wants to be worshipped, any place and any time. Throughout Jesus ministry He suffered rejection but in the end the triumph of the resurrection is the basis of faith, God showing the divine approval for Christs work upon the cross. That is the basis of the Gospel.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Effect of E-Commerence on Supply Chain Management and...
ââ¬ËElectronic commerce and the Internet are fundamentally changing the nature of supply chains, and redefining how consumers learn about, select, purchase, and use products and servicesââ¬â¢ (Sreenivas, 2007) According to Barnes and Lea-Greenwood (2006) and Berger (n.d), mass-communication has allowed consumers greater access to information and consequently the performance gap between companies can no longer be hidden. With the introduction of e-commerce, how consumers behave and what they demand has changed. Mintel (2011) reported that over 55% of all Internet users research products via the Web before making a purchase either in-store or online. With so much information at hand, consumers have become more demanding. Their willingness toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Multi-channel retailing involves the use of more than a single-channel to sell goods to consumers, such as retail stores, online stores and mobile stores with retaliers like Next PLC and John Lewis pioneering the idea in 1999 (Fernie amp; Sparks, 2009). FreshMinds (2010) recognised that the shift from traditional retailing towards multi-channelling is an ongoing process fuelled by the Internet and becoming an essential busin ess strategy, posing challenges as well as opportunities, for fashion retailers. Christopher et al. (2004) identified a number of significant changes that have challenged supply-chain operations including short product life cycles, high levels of impulse buying and volatility, coupled with low predictability of demand. While the traditional apparel industry model worked on long lead times, in recent years there has been an increase in ââ¬Ëtime-based competitionââ¬â¢ and the need for fashion businesses to focus on lead-time reduction and develop more responsive replenishment systems (Christopher et al, 2004). Many retailers have looked to global sourcing in reducing lead times with Jin (2004, cited in Doyle, Moore amp; Morgan, 2006: 3) identifying that ââ¬Å"a balance between global and local sourcing may be the best route [â⬠¦] with emphasis being placed upon domestic suppliers where demand is highly volatile and unpredictableâ⬠. Deputy Chairman at Zara, a multi-channel retailer that was waiting for online consumer demand to build before
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
SAT French Subject Test Information
Bonjour! ÃÅ tes-vous qualifià © pour parler franà §ais? Bilingualism is a trait that may set you apart on your college application if the decision is tight whether or not you make it in. Here, youll find out what this test is all about. Note: The SAT French Subjectà test is not part of the Redesigned SAT Test,à the popular college admissions exam. The SAT French Subject test is one of the many SAT Subject Tests, which are exams designed to showcase your particular talents in all sorts of fields. And if your talents extend into the French realm, then this exam can help you showcase it to your future alma mater. SAT French Subject Tests Basics Before you register for this test, here are the basics about how youll be tested: 60 minutes85 multiple-choice questions200-800 points possible3 different types of French questions: Vocabulary in context, Fill-in-the-blank, and Reading comprehension questions SAT French Subject Test Content Vocabulary in Context: Approximately 25 to 26 questionsWith these questions, youll be tested on vocabulary used in various parts of speech. You will also need to know a few basic Frenchà idioms.Structure: Approximately 25 to 34 questionsMany of these fill-in-the-blank questions will ask you to read a slightly longer passage and select the best choices for the blanks. Your knowledge of French sentence structure is tested.Reading Comprehension: Approximately 25 to 34 questionsHere, youll be given a multi-paragraph passage and asked reading comprehension questions about the passage to gauge your true comprehension of the language. The passages can be drawn from fiction, essays, historical works, newspaper and magazine articles, and everyday materials such as advertisements, timetables, forms, and tickets. Why You Should Take the SAT French Subject Test In some cases, you will need to take the test, especially if you are considering choosing French as a major in college. In other cases, its a great idea to take the French Subject Test so you can showcase that highly sought-after skill of bilingualism. It shows the college admissions officers that you have more up your sleeve than your GPA or wonderful SAT or ACT test scores. Taking the test, and scoring high on it, demonstrates qualities of a well-rounded applicant. Plus, it can get you out of those entry-level language courses. How to Prepare for the SAT French Subject Test To ace this thing, youll need at least two years in French during high school, and youll want to take the test as close to the end of or during your most advanced French class you plan to take. Getting your high school French teacher to offer you some supplementary materials is always a good idea, too. Plus, the College Board offers free practice questions for the SAT French Test along with a pdf of the answers, too. Sample SAT French Subject Test Question This question comes from the College Boards free practice questions. The writers have ranked the questions from 1 to 5 where 1 is the least difficult. The question below is ranked as a 3. Si tu faisais du jogging tous les jours, est-ce que tu te -------mieux? (A) sentiras(B) sentirais(C) sentais(D) sens Answer: Choice (B) is correct. Sentences introduced by si express hypothetical situations when the verb in the clause introduced by si is in the past tense (imparfait). When this is the case, the verb in the main clause must be in the conditional. Choice (B), sentirais (would feel), is the conditional form and therefore the correct answer. Choice (A), sentiras (will feel), is in the future tense; choice (C), sentais (felt), is in the past tense (imparfait) and choice (D), sense (feel), is in the present tense.
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